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Throughout history, herbs have been extensively utilized to support emotional and mental well-being, playing a pivotal role in promoting a sense of balance for overall wellness. The complexity of herbs arises from their nature as whole plants rather than a single chemical active ingredient found in medication. A combination of plant-herbal elements encompasses multiple molecules with diverse physiological effects, capable of modifying the metabolism of other bioactive components to reduce adverse effects. During my studies in Psychopharmacology at neuropsychology doctoral school, I delved into research concerning herbal alternatives that could effectively replace prescription medication for improved mental health. This led me to develop herbal combinations designed to treat, cure, or prevent diagnosed health problems, culminating in the establishment of Stress Out Therapy Supplements, a brand specializing in vegan and clean mental health supplements.
***If you are currently battling a mental health disorder, it’s important to consult a physician before adding any of these herbal supplements to your daily regimen—especially if you’re already taking prescription medication. It’s also important to seek the appropriate help to address the root cause of your mental health disorders.
I strive for greatness and want you to be completely happy with your order. If you have concerns, assistance is a simple email away. Please email
All of my brain food vitamins are clean and vegan. Absolutely no animal products will be utilized or tolerated. I guarantee its quality. Feel confident that your purchase is right and healthy for you.
My vitamins are backed by years of research and education. I guarantee each customer a clean, animal free product. The vitamin you choose will be an enhancement to your mental health!
Stress Out Therapy Shoppe, LLC do not store any personal information collected during order processing, with the exception of email address. Customer emails are utilized for alerts of store business such as new items and promotions. No credit card or payment information is saved. Customer's information is never shared with third parties. Customers privacy is completely respected and at no time will they be tracked. Lastly thank you for shopping with Stress Out Therapy Shoppe, LLC.